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Steeve Lecru, an eclectic artist, honed his craft at Ecole Française du Décor Peint and deepened his artistry with a graduate degree in Art History from Université François Rabelais. His legal acumen in art market and copyright law was sharpened at the University of Nantes, complemented by an educational certificate from Liverpool John Moores University. A former cultural heritage assistant at Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, Lecru’s nomadic spirit has fueled over 25 years of creative endeavors, showcasing his work across continents. Notable exhibitions include Kenda Art Gallery, MOCAD, Atom Art Gallery, La Foire de Paris, and The Haus, reflecting a vibrant, global artistic footprint.



2023: Kenda Art Gallery, Suzhou


2017: Atom art gallery, Detroit

2016: Wayne State Art Space, WSU, Detroit


2018: Les Trogloballes, Angers

2016: Lyeux communs Galerie, Tours

2015: Les Accroche-coeurs, art space, Angers

2013: Art 5pace #3. Art chapel gallery, Angers

1996: L’Absynthe galerie, Saumur



2024: Unknow Parts art space, Suzhou

WuEr Art space, Suzhou

           The New World, BFM Art Center, Suzhou

2022: WuER art space, Suzhou

           Litchi Art gallery, Suzhou

           Art Center, Intangible heritage, Suzhou

           Chino- French Art Market, Suzhou

           LiGongDi Street Art Festival, Suzhou

2021: La Puta Art, art gallery, Shanghai

2020: Arts Collective, Art gallery, Suzhou

2019: Georges tattoo shop, Ningbo


2018: Museum of Contemporary art, Detroit

2017: Scarab Club, Detroit

           Detroit artist market, Detroit


2018: La boite noire, art space, Tours

2015: En pieces, Biennale WTS #8, Dunkerque

2014: Les Accroche-coeurs, art festival, Angers

2013: Les Frigos, Paris

            Village d’artisans, art gallery, Turquant

            Tripoteca, Psychadelic art, Paris

           Sens interdits, Lyon

2012: Village d’artisans, art gallery, Turquant

            Bien Urbain, Besancon

            Grains de Folie. Jura

             La Foire de Paris, Paris

2011: Avignon festival Off, Avignon

           Festival des artistes en campagne, Savins

           La cabane des Arts, Art festivai, Monein.

2010:  Urban Troglo, art f., Doue-la-Fontaine


2013: Jerusalem Arts festival, Jerusalem


